Thursday, October 27, 2016


For the first time in 71 years the Cubs are playing the Indians in the World Series. For those of you who haven't heard, both teams have supposed curses placed on them not to win the World Series.

For the Cubs it is the curse of the Billy Goat. This curse was placed during the 1945 World Series when a man was asked to leave Wrigley Field because of the odor of his pet goat, Murphy. He then stated that the Cubs were no longer going to win. This curse has held true and the Cubs have not won a World Series since 1908.

The Indians have the curse of Rocky Colavito. This curse is said to have been placed when the Indians traded their right fielder Rocky Colavito for Harvey Kuenn in 1960. Colavito said he did not place the curse, but they have not won the World Series since the Indians made this controversial trade.

One of these teams has to break the curse so why cant it be the Cubs? Currently the series is tied 1-1 and the next game is Friday. Tune in and support the Chicago Cubs! #FlyTheW

Thursday, October 20, 2016

NBA putting ads on jerseys

Recently the NBA has revealed that they will be selling 2.5-inch by 2.5-inch spaces on jerseys for corporations to advertise on. The first year this will be available is the 2017-18 season which is also the first year that Nike will be manufacturing their jerseys. This will be worth $100 million a year, a small portion of the leagues overall revenues projected at $7 billion. The Philadelphia 76ers are the first team in the four major U.S. sports to sell an ad on a jersey.

One notable league that has ads present on their jersey is the English Premier League. One positive of these ads is that all of the fans become walking billboards for the company on the jersey. One of the most prominent deals is Manchester United with Chevrolet.

Image result for manchester united jersey 2016/17

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Job Interview Tips

Your resume can only get you so far when it comes to finding a job. Once a company has reviewed your resume and they want to interview you, you need to be prepared for any and everything. Here are some tips that will help you nail that job interview.

1. The first thing you should do is research the company you are interviewing with. You should have a basic background on the company, job opportunity, and the hiring manager. This will help you to prepare for the interview. Also it will help give you insight on if the job is right for you.

2. Make sure you have reviewed possible questions that the company may be asking you. Have your thoughts together and be ready to answer the question.

3. Always make sure to give off a good first impression. This includes dressing for success. Your first impression will be the way you look. If you look frumpy or disheveled companies are less likely to hire you. Also make sure that your responses are authentic. You do not want to sound like your talking straight from a paper, instead be confident and candid. Everyone that day will be will be assessing you so make sure to be kind to everyone. Anyone from a parking director to the hiring manager will take note of the way you conduct yourself.

4. Arrive on time to the interview. To ensure that you are on time strive to be there at least 15 minutes early. This will give you time to catch your bearings and get accustomed to the environment. There is no excuse for being late!

5. Ask insightful questions. Doing this helps to show companies that you are interested and have done your research.

The interview process may seem scary to some people but it really is not. These tips will help you come in prepared and confident to any job interview you face. Remember the most important thing is to be yourself!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Messaging Apps

In 2016 there are many different ways in which you can reach your fellow peers. Messaging apps are popping up all over the place. These apps all have their own special features so you are able to pick one that best fits your needs. Three specific messaging apps are WhatsApp, GroupMe, and Snapchat. The main goal for all of these is to help you communicate with others in a simple and easy way.

WhatsApp is a messaging app that helps people communicate internationally. It uses internet connection instead of a phone plan to contact people. This helps to avoid expensive long distance phone charges. WhatsApp features text messaging and phone calls.

The next messaging app is GroupMe. GroupMe makes group messages compatible on every phone. It works on androids and apple products. Not only is it easy to use, but it is free as well.

The last messaging app is Snapchat. This app is known for its picture taking ability. You can take pictures of yourself and send to others. They can only see this pictures for less than 10 seconds. Not only can you communicate over pictures, but there is also a chat feature.

All of these apps have different features that make each one unique.