Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week 5 Marketing 349: National Tiger Sanctuary

National Tiger Sanctuary is a non-profit, rescue organization that provides a permanent home for rescued animals. I will be making an ad campaign to help bring clicks to the "About us" page. The page talks about the history of NTS, the mission statement, and what sets them apart from their competitors. I chose this page because I want people to understand what the organization stands for before they browse the website and do not know what they are looking for.

To start off with I had to link the URL into the ad. Next I had to choose a headline. I chose to use "About National Tiger Sanctuary." I thought that this was a good headline because it will compel people to follow the ad to our website because it addresses a specific topic. The next headline I chose was "Learn about cats in captivity." I think people will find this interesting because there are not many big cats in captivity so people find them interesting to learn about. I then included a description. I wrote, "Learn about the history of NTS, and how they set themselves apart from others." I had to abbreviate National Tiger Sanctuary because of the word limit.

The next step in creating an ad is choosing the keywords. I added a lot of key words so I can see which words work and which do not. My keywords are lion, tiger, adopt, big cats, animal rescue, adopt a tiger, tiger animal, tiger rescue, big cat rescue, tiger reserve, tiger sanctuary, and big cat sanctuary near me.  I wanted to make sure I had keywords that were broad, but also keywords that have a focused attention. I believe that utilizing a variety of words will help reach the largest audience.

Creating an ad does not have to be a big ordeal. You just need to start creating ads and you will eventually learn what works, and what does not work. Once my ad has been up for a couple days I will go back to see which of my keywords have been successful, and which have not. Once I have determined that I will be able to adapt my ad to make it the most efficient as I can get it.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 4 MKTG 349: Chapter 2 Keywords

Keywords are a key aspect in adwords. You pick keywords that you think apply to your ad. People will type in those keywords and they will have the option to click on your ad. Your keywords will correspond to the little text ad you have placed.

The advertiser will place keywords that they want to trigger their ad. They then tell Google how much  they will be willing to bid to get someone to click on the ad. Once someone clicks on their ad,  they will pay Google for that click. The google user will type in keywords and ads that have those words will pop up. If the ad is compelling they will click on it.

The higher the bid you place, the better the position you receive. The ideal spot is the right column on the first page of search results. Keywords will take sometime to getting used to. Fool around with your words so you can see which words do best.

Week 3 MKTG 349: Chapter 2 Adwords is like eBay

In simple terms Adwords is like eBay. You bid on how much you're willing to pay to get someone to click on your advertisement. If your ad gets clicked on you then have to pay Google for the click. So in other words you do not pay google until someone has actually viewed your advertisement.

Adwords may seem intimidating, but it will pay off in the long run. It makes it so you can track ROI, return on investment, which is a key component in keeping a company going. One thing that is important is you makes sure to set an end date. If you don't you may forget that you are paying for clicks and your total could add up very quickly. All in all Adwords is not as hard as you think. All you have to do is learn the basic concepts and you will be fine.

Week 2 MKTG 349: Chapter 1 Introduction

AdWords is a tool that you use to create ads on google. AdWords is a key factor in Google's stock being worth so much. It's not just AdWords that does this though, it's the whole search engine. AdWords focuses on tracking ROI and it is a  very successful way of getting your ads viewed.

The purpose of an ad is to get people to "click through" your ad when they are searching on Google. On google you pay for your advertisement based on how many people actually click on your ad. This is called "cost per click." Many people will see the ad, but only the ones that actually click on the advertisement will count in the CPC.

The biggest strength of Google ads is you can track exactly what you get out of it. This means you know exactly how well your ads are performing. Online advertising is significantly more track able than every other form of advertising, which is what makes it so successful.

Week 1 MKTG 349: Chapter 1 SEO vs SEM

When you hear someone say "Search Engine Optimization" or "Search Engine Marketing" do you know what the differences are? While the two phrases seem like they can be used interchangeably, there is one distinct difference that sets them apart. One thing to know is that they both talk about online advertising. Online advertising is significantly more traceable so in most cases it is much more effective.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of trying to get your Web site to show up in a better spot on Google without spending any money. This allows you to draw people to your Web site without having to pay anything. Search Engine Marketing is the process of trying to get you Web site to show up in a better spot on Google by spending money. Paid advertising is a solid way to get your Web site viewed.

So why pay for an advertisement when you can do it for free? Some companies swear that you should never give Google any money to display your ads. They believe that doing it free will give them enough views to reach their goal. One thing to remember is that Google is a business so they encourage you to spend money so they make more money. So is it worth the extra money? I think it si beneficial to invest in both SEO and SEM because they both have their benefits. Spending a little bit of money is proven to make you a profit, but going the SEO route will work too.