Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Week 13: MKTG 345: April Fools+AI Intelligence


AI intelligence can be used for many things, even for April fools day pranks! Janelle Shane collected a list of April fools pranks found online, and put them into an online list. She then asked used AI to make a whole new list.

  1. Below is what the processor came up with:
  2. Place a pair of pants and shoes in your ice dispenser.
  3. Put marbles in the hand soap dispenser.
  4. Putting google eyes on someone's computer mouse so that it won't work.
  5. Place a pair of pants and shoes in Easter egg foils.
  6. Hide all of the entrance to your office building if it only had one entrance.
  7. Put food coloring in the mailbox.
  8. Glue all the eggs in the hubcaps of someone's computer.
  9. A meat and mashed potato sundae makes or quite the hand soap dispenser.
  10. Put a glow stick in a toilet paper into the toe of your kid's shoes.
  11. Take the door know off your kid's shoes.
  12. Rearrange someobody while pretending to pee.
  13. If you rip up a toilet paper roll, then leave them a ransom note.
  14. Hide an alarm clock in someone's keyboard who isn't a very good typist.
As you can see, AI still has a ways to go because some of these pranks make no sense at all. Next I think that this article should post a video of a robot performing all of these tasks!

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