Thursday, September 29, 2016

#Likeagirl; Week 5

The #Likeagirl campaign, by Always, was aired first in June 2014. While it was first aired in June, it did not become popular until it was a commercial during the Super Bowl. It shined a much needed light on sexism and gender equality. The campaign features people acting out what they thought "Like a girl" means. Most of the people depicted that being "like a girl" means being weak. When a young girl was asked what she thought it meant she was strong, fast, and athletic. This commercial is trying to help people realize that saying "like a girl" has become a negative connotation, and it shouldn't be. These girls should not have to grow up in a world were they are looked at as weaker than their male counterparts.

The #Likeagirl campaign took to numerous social media websites. This hashtag was used by millions of people who wanted to show that being "like a girl" does not mean being weak. #Likeagirl was a very successful campaign that helped many girls realize that they are capable of doing anything they put their mind to.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Digital marketing surpasses Ad spending

Up until 2015 TV Ads have always outweighed Digital Marketing. Businesses have started to embrace the unconventional trend of digital marketing. Not only is it much cheaper but it can be interactive and be much more personalized than a TV ad. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are websites businesses can use to interactive with their customers in a way that TV ads cannot.

While digital marketing is great for some businesses, it is not for all. In the picture below you can see that the older generations are the ones watching TV. So companies that are trying to sell to older generations should focus on using TV ads. Companies that are targeting 18-34 year old's should focus their attention on digital marketing. While these companies do not need to choose either digital marketing or TV ads, they should at least be aware of what type of marketing would work best with their target market.

As you can see the world of marketing is always evolving. In order to fully utilize a businesses marketing potential, they should be aware of these ever changing trends.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Chipotle's Digital Marketing Strategy

Chipotle is a restaurant chain found all around the United States. Not only are they known for their food, but people recognize them for their unconventional marketing strategy. If you think about it have you ever seen a Chipotle commercial? You probably have not; they have only ever run one commercial. Instead they focus their attention on digital marketing which is a much cheaper route to take. While this may not work for every company, it has been widely successful for Chipotle. Their target market is millennials, who use social media more than they watch TV. In order to target millennials, Chipotle focuses on showing their consumers how fresh and healthy their product is. Their main sources of marketing are Twitter and Instagram. Chipotle believes that using these unconventional methods will give their brand a more down-to-earth, authentic way to interact with customers.

Here is an example of one of their instagram posts. As you can see they are working to use humor to appeal to millennials. This humor is found throughout all of their posts. 

This is one of their posts on Twitter. If a child were to see this ad they would think nothing of it. When a millenial sees this they will automatically see the hidden message in the post. Through these witty posts Chipotle has helped lift their brand past their recent e coli breakout.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Evolution of Snap chat

Snap chat was released in September 2011 and since then it has evolved vastly. In order to compete with other social media outlets, they adapt their app to make sure it always has new features. When it first came out all you could do was send pictures. These pictures could only be viewed for a certain amount of time and only by select people. This was the first app of its kind. Once people started getting bored of that, they released an update that allowed you to send videos.  The next update after that allowed for people to view your "best friends." These were the people in which you exchanged snaps with the most. 


Some updates after that include drawing on still photos, uploading stories, being able to replay snaps, an added chat section, and even geo-filters. The most recent update on snap chat alows you to alter your face using filters. These have been vastly successful on this app and have led to an explosion in the number of snaps sent a day.

Companies saw this explosion and took advantage of it. There are now advertisements throughout the app. Some examples are filters that help advertise for a company.

Originally snap chat was thought to be a short lived app, but they were able to adapt to the changing market. Not only are they adding new features, but they are now able to bring in revenue through advertisements.

Monday, September 5, 2016

NWSL Marketing

When I say the acronym NWSL, what comes to mind? I'm sure you have no idea that this acronym stands for the Professional Women's Soccer League in the US. I wouldn't even be surprised if you had no idea that the league existed or that there is a team out of Chicago.

Now if you were to ask this question in a state such as Texas, California, or Florida most people would know what NWSL stands for. The reason for this being is the different ways in which clubs market. There are three teams in the league who have teamed up with the MLS, the men's professional league in the states. These teams have at least double the attendance that most of the other clubs in the league have. The MLS helps back these clubs and helps them with their marketing. These clubs are able to pump loads of money into advertising which in return helps get the word out and raise their attendance. Smaller clubs, such as the Chicago Red Stars, rely on grass roots marketing such as contacting local clubs, going out to soccer tournaments, and social media websites. These ways of marketing may be cheap, but they are much less effective. You can tell by the lack of support for these clubs.

So how does the NWSL fix this problem? It seems as if they are stuck in a rut. In order to spend more money on marketing they need more money to be brought into the club. If they want more money to be brought in, they need for attendance to rise. The NWSL helps to show how strong marketing really does affect a business and how successful the company can become.