Thursday, September 29, 2016

#Likeagirl; Week 5

The #Likeagirl campaign, by Always, was aired first in June 2014. While it was first aired in June, it did not become popular until it was a commercial during the Super Bowl. It shined a much needed light on sexism and gender equality. The campaign features people acting out what they thought "Like a girl" means. Most of the people depicted that being "like a girl" means being weak. When a young girl was asked what she thought it meant she was strong, fast, and athletic. This commercial is trying to help people realize that saying "like a girl" has become a negative connotation, and it shouldn't be. These girls should not have to grow up in a world were they are looked at as weaker than their male counterparts.

The #Likeagirl campaign took to numerous social media websites. This hashtag was used by millions of people who wanted to show that being "like a girl" does not mean being weak. #Likeagirl was a very successful campaign that helped many girls realize that they are capable of doing anything they put their mind to.

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