Monday, March 12, 2018

IDS 202 Module 3 Food Justice

Steven Rosenbaum, the CEO of, discusses curation and why it is important in today's age. He talks about how the web is a huge place with tons of different information channels. The internet is slowly changing though, instead of algorithms taking over, human content is taking over. People no longer are searching out information made by robots, they want real-life stories, testimonials, and content. Human content, in the form of curation, helps others learn more about life experiences (Innovate -- curation! 2011).

In the food justice industry, people are searching for real-life testimonials of people who are passionate about food justice. So what is food justice? According to What is Food Justice, "Food Justice is communities exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat healthy food. Healthy food is fresh, nutritious, affordable, culturally-appropriate, and grown locally with care for the well-being of the land, workers, and animals. People practicing food justice leads to a strong local food system, self-reliant communities, and a healthy environment" (WHAT IS FOOD JUSTICE 2018).

The website above is a non-profit organization located in New York City. They started in 1995, and their goal is to use sustainable agriculture by having an emphasis on community-driven food. Not only do they want to have sustainable food, but they engage individuals in the community to help feed, educate, and advocate for each other no matter their social, racial, economic, and environmental background (WHAT IS FOOD JUSTICE 2018).

They offer a community-run farmers' market network that offers both urban growers and regional farmers. They focus on serving low-income communities and rely heavily on volunteers. They also offer community food education with educational workshops. These workshops include nutritionists, professional chefs, food activists, parents, food lovers and more (WHAT IS FOOD JUSTICE 2018).

WHAT IS FOOD JUSTICE? (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

Innovate -- curation! (2011, June 06). Innovate -- curation! | Steve Rosenbaum | TEDxGrandRapids. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

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