Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Week 10: MKTG 348- Hubspot Lesson 9

Lesson 9 is all about sending the right email to the right person. Email marketing can be an effective way to reach your target market if you learn how to do it right.

Many consumers believe:

  1. Email marketing is spam
  2. Email marketing is old school

Reasons email marketing still works:

  1. 4.3 billion email accounts that send 196 billion emails every day
  2. 91% of consumers check their email daily
  3. Email is a chnanel that you own
  4. 77% of consumers prefer email for marketing commumnications
  5. Email lets you be highly personal
  6. Email has a marketing ROI of 4,300%

How to send the right email to the right person:

  1. Determine your audience
  2. Segment your contacts database
  3. Send the right email at the right time
  4. Nurture your lead into a customer
An effective email should include:
  1. Personalization
  2. Actionable language
  3. Image as CTA
  4. Personalized signature with CTA
  5. Reason for sending email
  6. Benefit to Reader
  7. Direct link of communication
If you send an effective email it will help you turn your leads into customers. If you do not, it will turn away possible customers. Email is not old school, it is being adopted and used as a communication by more people every year!

Image result for hubspot

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