Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 10 MKTG 349: Chapter 5 Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

By now you can probably see how important keywords are. Since they are so important, we will spend another blog talking about them! If you want to further understand how to produce keywords, go onto google and pick a website. Then try and imagine what the keywords people would use to find the page. There are two situations for keywords. Situations where people might know a product or brand name, or situations where people might be interested in a type of product or service. It is important to think about both of these situations when creating an ad.

When creating keywords you want to get as high of a rank as possible, also known as, appearing on the first page of search results. The more pages people have to search through, the least likely your ad will be clicked on. Another thing to keep in consideration is search volume. While your keyword is very relevant to you, will people really be searching that? The only way to use your budget is to get people to click on your ad. If you want people to click on your ad, you need to have relevant keywords. I hope you have started to realize that keywords are VERY important!

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