Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week 7 MKTG 349: Chapter 3 More on Keywords

By now I'm sure you are starting to understand the importance of keywords. If you want to have a successful ad you need to make sure that your keywords are relevant to your ad or else no one will ever see your ad. One great thing about Adwords is that you will be able to see how your individual keywords perform. This means you will be able to review all of your keywords and see what works and what does not work. You will be able to remove the ineffective keywords, and keep the ones that are bringing in clicks.

One nice thing that Adwords does, is it lets you know how they think your keyword will do before you have launched it. It will give you messages on the quality score of the keyword which will in turn help you decide if you want to use that keyword.

Adwords will also alert you to the fact that the bid you are making may not appear on the first page. This does not mean that your ad wont be viewed, it just means people will have to click to the second page to see it. If your ad is on the first page this usually means you are willing to pay more per click. Understanding keywords is one of the most important things when it comes to Adwords. Once you properly understand how to effectively use keywords, your ad will reach its full potential.

Image result for google adwords keyword

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