Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week 16 MKTG 349: Adwords T&R

Trash and Refresh is a dumpster rental service located in Willowbrook, Illinois. They are looking for help creating ads. When creating an ad for T&R I wanted to make sure I chose keywords that would actually get clicks. To do this I went on to the keyword planner and looked to see what keywords would be relevant. I named the ad "Dumpster Rental." I chose this name because I think that making the ad as direct and straight forward, the better. The keywords I chose were garbage, dumpster, rent a dumpster, trash, dumpster rental, clean outs, dumpster delivery, garbage disposal, and haul away trash.

The second ad I created I named "Trash Removal." Again I wanted straight forward ad title names so I chose trash removal, dumpster delivery, trash, and removal. This ad is meant to attract people who are simply just typing something into Google and looking for a service to help them.

The next ad I made I used the name of the company as the ad title. I named it "Trash and Refresh." This will be effective because the name is straight forward to what it does, so it should help attract buyers. The keywords I used were Garbage removal, trash removal, dumpster service, rent, rent dumpster, garbage, trash, and haul away.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Week 15 MKTG 349: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is not something you here talked about often, but it is starting to creep up on all of us. For those of you who do not know what AI is, it is replacing the jobs that we work with robots. Instead of worrying about our jobs being outsourced to places like Mexico and China, we should be worrying about being replaced by robots. The US is the country most at risk for this simply because we are preforming tasks that are simple and easy in the work place. This in turn makes it easy to code a robot who can perform our jobs. About 30% of US jobs will be at risk. While this is saving firms money, this will cause the workforce to change. Those workers who perform highly skilled jobs, should not be worried. It is those performing tasks that can be easily replicated by a robot that should keep this on their radar.

People with jobs in education, health care and social work are the least at risk of being replaced. Some traits that will be highly valued are creative and critical thinking, as well as emotional intelligence. This is because these traits can not be replicated in a robot, so they will become more valuable. Creating these robots will cause a greater social inequality. All in all this is something that workers should keep on their radar. If you are worried about this issue I suggest working your creative and critical thinking, as well as your emotional intelligence. This will help set you aside from the robots that are being created.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Week 15 MKTG 349: Chapter 8 Getting Certified!

Being Google Adwords certified is a great thing! It's free, it looks great on a resume, and it looks great on LinkedIn. In order to get certified you can look through Google's free learning material. Once you have studied you can take the test. You cant take it as many times as you want, as long as you wait a week in between each test. You can access it through your gmail. Gmail is a great tool to use because it offers many other features. Some of these include google docs, google drive, google calendar, and they are great at filtering spam out of email.

There are multiple exams you can take, but the one that we've been working towards is the Adwords Fundamentals Exam. Another great exam to do is the Search Advertising Exam. In order to be certified, you must pass both of them, not just one or the other. Having an ad campaign while you are studying for this test will help you pick up the material much faster.

The ultimate goal is to pass this test and get certified. If you have read all these blog posts and understand them, you are well on your way to getting yourself certified!

Week 14 MKTG 349: Chapter 7 Callouts

Last week we talked about Site links in my blog, and this week we will talk about Callouts. Callouts are another ad extension that are even easier to use than Site links. Basically all it is, is extra text beneath the ad. It will help you increase your CTR.

In order to add a callout you must click the ad extensions tab. Click the selection drop down menu, and select Callout extensions. Hit the "+ New callout" button, and start planning. Similar to Site links, you can plan callouts ahead of time or you can do it on the fly. Type in the text you want for your callout and hit save. You can add multiple callouts, its about finding which ones work for you.

One thing to remember with Adwords is to always click the question marks. They can be very helpful when you first start with adwords.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Week 13 MKTG 349: Chapter 7 Site links

Google Ad words offers an Ad extension function. This option can be highly beneficial. Chapter 7 talks about two couple forms of ad extensions: site links, and callouts.

Site links display links to sections of the site underneath the ad. In order to ad a site link, go to the the Ad extensions tab. You then click the selection drop down menu, and choose "Sitelinks extensions." They tend to increase the number of clicks to your ads, and raise the click through rate.

To add a sitelink simply click the "+ Extension" button and then click a campaign to add it to. Click done after it you select your add. You then must click "+ New sitelink." Paste your link, hit save, and your site link is done! Don't forget to look at suggestions that Google has to offer! Next week we will be talking about callouts.

Week 12 MKTG 349: Chapter 6 Campaign Strategies

When making a campaign, you are never alone. Google offers ample options to help your ad reach its full potential. The key is making sure you take advantage of these tools. One tool is the Google Support option. During business hours you can live video chat someone to help you with your problems. This is much faster than an email. The next option is a basic email. They will send you suggestions on how they believe you can better improve your campaign.

Another important aspect is the keyword matching option. This is used to help control how closely the keyword needs to match a person's search term in order to trigger your ad. Using these will help optimize the performance of campaigns.

The exploring suggestions feature is also helpful. If you select this function Google will scan your site and make a multitude of suggestions for you to take into consideration. Some things that they may suggest are new keywords.

You can also click on an "Opportunities" link. These will give you "learn more" links to help you familiarize and and understand google ad words.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 11 MKTG 349: Chapter 5 Keyword Planner

One great tool you have at your disposal is the "Keyword Planner." In order to access it go to the Tools menu, and select Keyword Planner. There are several sections, but we will be looking at the first two.

To help get ideas, click on the "Search for new Keywords using a phrase, website or category." You enter in some descriptive information to give google a starting point. Click the "Get ideas" button when you're ready and see what Google comes up with! They will come up with these words based on what you input, and show information about the average monthly searches, how much competition, and what the bidding is going for.

Another section we will be looking at is the "Get search volume data and trends." All you have to do is enter a keyword or keywords and then see how many searches are there. Google will show the average number of searches, how much competition there is, and a suggested bid range. One thing that I would suggest you do, is always click on the question marks. These will tell you what everything does, so it will help you learn and understand more about Ad words.

Week 10 MKTG 349: Chapter 5 Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

By now you can probably see how important keywords are. Since they are so important, we will spend another blog talking about them! If you want to further understand how to produce keywords, go onto google and pick a website. Then try and imagine what the keywords people would use to find the page. There are two situations for keywords. Situations where people might know a product or brand name, or situations where people might be interested in a type of product or service. It is important to think about both of these situations when creating an ad.

When creating keywords you want to get as high of a rank as possible, also known as, appearing on the first page of search results. The more pages people have to search through, the least likely your ad will be clicked on. Another thing to keep in consideration is search volume. While your keyword is very relevant to you, will people really be searching that? The only way to use your budget is to get people to click on your ad. If you want people to click on your ad, you need to have relevant keywords. I hope you have started to realize that keywords are VERY important!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Week 9 MKTG 349: Chapter 4 Reviewing a Campaign

When reviewing the performance of ads, it is best to start from general to more specific. You would start first with reviewing the campaign, then move on to the ads, then last focus on the keywords. If you ever  get lost in ad words just simply click the Campaigns link at the top left corner of the page. This will bring you back to the most broad feature of ad words. Once you click that tab you will then want to click individual campaigns to review. Once you have clicked on the individual campaign you can look at he ad groups that are on the campaign. Ad groups are a way to create ads and keywords that are closely related to each other. This will help you focus in on a target market helping you reach more clicks, and a higher click through rate. If you click on the Ads tab you can greater review a chosen ad.

The last area to look at are individual keywords. If you click on the keywords tab a list of all the words you chose will be displayed. This is the section that will need the most revision. Once you have reviewed these keywords you can decide which keywords work, and which do not. From there you can revise your keywords to make them the most efficient. Creating the ad is not the only thing you have to do, instead you also need to review and revise your campaign. If you want to reach the maximum potential on your campaign, then you need to constantly be reviewing and making changes on your campaigns.

Week 8 MKTG 349: Chapter 4 What is CTR?

Once you have a live campaign, you will need to make sure you are monitoring it to make sure it is reaching its maximum efficiency. Chapter 4 talks about the key aspects of monitoring your account.

When you have a campaign you need to make sure you set a time-frame. It can be whatever time-frame you want, the more you play around with this function, the more you'll learn what works for you. Looking at different timelines will help you analyze different trends.

Another thing you will want to look at is the how many clicks you get, and also the Click Through Rate. The click through rate tells you how many people actually clicked on your ad. Say you have 500 impressions also known as the number of people who saw it. If only 5 people clicked on it, that would be 5/500=1% Click Through Rate. The CTR indicates how well an ad or keyword is performing. The average CTR across campaigns is around 2.11%. A CTR of 1% to 5% is considered a good CTR.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week 7 MKTG 349: Chapter 3 More on Keywords

By now I'm sure you are starting to understand the importance of keywords. If you want to have a successful ad you need to make sure that your keywords are relevant to your ad or else no one will ever see your ad. One great thing about Adwords is that you will be able to see how your individual keywords perform. This means you will be able to review all of your keywords and see what works and what does not work. You will be able to remove the ineffective keywords, and keep the ones that are bringing in clicks.

One nice thing that Adwords does, is it lets you know how they think your keyword will do before you have launched it. It will give you messages on the quality score of the keyword which will in turn help you decide if you want to use that keyword.

Adwords will also alert you to the fact that the bid you are making may not appear on the first page. This does not mean that your ad wont be viewed, it just means people will have to click to the second page to see it. If your ad is on the first page this usually means you are willing to pay more per click. Understanding keywords is one of the most important things when it comes to Adwords. Once you properly understand how to effectively use keywords, your ad will reach its full potential.

Image result for google adwords keyword

Week 6 MKTG 349: Chapter 3 Launching a Campaign

Once you understand the basics of Google Adwords its time to start creating an ad. The first step when creating an ad is to figure out what you want to advertise. Pick a website and look through the content on it so you understand what you are placing an ad for.

Once you know what you want to advertise for go onto Adwords and click the create a new campaign button. Name your campaign something that you will remember. Choose the location of your target area and make a bid and a budget. One important thing you need to make sure you do is to go to the Schedule and makes sure you set a start/end date. If you do not google will have no one date so they will keep spending your money. Once this is done you have successfully finished making your campaign and it is time to start making your first ad.

The first step in creating an ad is to choose a name for the ad group. You will then need to input a final URL, a headline 1, headline 2, and a description. This is what it will look like. There will be character limits so you will need to make sure you keep your text short and sweet.

The next stage is to create keywords. Keywords are the words you think someone might type into Google where the product/page/message of your ad will be relevant to them. Make sure you use keywords that you believe will have a relevant connection. 5-10 words is usually the number of keywords you should shoot for. Once you finish this save your ad group and you have successfully created an ad!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week 5 Marketing 349: National Tiger Sanctuary

National Tiger Sanctuary is a non-profit, rescue organization that provides a permanent home for rescued animals. I will be making an ad campaign to help bring clicks to the "About us" page. The page talks about the history of NTS, the mission statement, and what sets them apart from their competitors. I chose this page because I want people to understand what the organization stands for before they browse the website and do not know what they are looking for.

To start off with I had to link the URL into the ad. Next I had to choose a headline. I chose to use "About National Tiger Sanctuary." I thought that this was a good headline because it will compel people to follow the ad to our website because it addresses a specific topic. The next headline I chose was "Learn about cats in captivity." I think people will find this interesting because there are not many big cats in captivity so people find them interesting to learn about. I then included a description. I wrote, "Learn about the history of NTS, and how they set themselves apart from others." I had to abbreviate National Tiger Sanctuary because of the word limit.

The next step in creating an ad is choosing the keywords. I added a lot of key words so I can see which words work and which do not. My keywords are lion, tiger, adopt, big cats, animal rescue, adopt a tiger, tiger animal, tiger rescue, big cat rescue, tiger reserve, tiger sanctuary, and big cat sanctuary near me.  I wanted to make sure I had keywords that were broad, but also keywords that have a focused attention. I believe that utilizing a variety of words will help reach the largest audience.

Creating an ad does not have to be a big ordeal. You just need to start creating ads and you will eventually learn what works, and what does not work. Once my ad has been up for a couple days I will go back to see which of my keywords have been successful, and which have not. Once I have determined that I will be able to adapt my ad to make it the most efficient as I can get it.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 4 MKTG 349: Chapter 2 Keywords

Keywords are a key aspect in adwords. You pick keywords that you think apply to your ad. People will type in those keywords and they will have the option to click on your ad. Your keywords will correspond to the little text ad you have placed.

The advertiser will place keywords that they want to trigger their ad. They then tell Google how much  they will be willing to bid to get someone to click on the ad. Once someone clicks on their ad,  they will pay Google for that click. The google user will type in keywords and ads that have those words will pop up. If the ad is compelling they will click on it.

The higher the bid you place, the better the position you receive. The ideal spot is the right column on the first page of search results. Keywords will take sometime to getting used to. Fool around with your words so you can see which words do best.

Week 3 MKTG 349: Chapter 2 Adwords is like eBay

In simple terms Adwords is like eBay. You bid on how much you're willing to pay to get someone to click on your advertisement. If your ad gets clicked on you then have to pay Google for the click. So in other words you do not pay google until someone has actually viewed your advertisement.

Adwords may seem intimidating, but it will pay off in the long run. It makes it so you can track ROI, return on investment, which is a key component in keeping a company going. One thing that is important is you makes sure to set an end date. If you don't you may forget that you are paying for clicks and your total could add up very quickly. All in all Adwords is not as hard as you think. All you have to do is learn the basic concepts and you will be fine.

Week 2 MKTG 349: Chapter 1 Introduction

AdWords is a tool that you use to create ads on google. AdWords is a key factor in Google's stock being worth so much. It's not just AdWords that does this though, it's the whole search engine. AdWords focuses on tracking ROI and it is a  very successful way of getting your ads viewed.

The purpose of an ad is to get people to "click through" your ad when they are searching on Google. On google you pay for your advertisement based on how many people actually click on your ad. This is called "cost per click." Many people will see the ad, but only the ones that actually click on the advertisement will count in the CPC.

The biggest strength of Google ads is you can track exactly what you get out of it. This means you know exactly how well your ads are performing. Online advertising is significantly more track able than every other form of advertising, which is what makes it so successful.

Week 1 MKTG 349: Chapter 1 SEO vs SEM

When you hear someone say "Search Engine Optimization" or "Search Engine Marketing" do you know what the differences are? While the two phrases seem like they can be used interchangeably, there is one distinct difference that sets them apart. One thing to know is that they both talk about online advertising. Online advertising is significantly more traceable so in most cases it is much more effective.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of trying to get your Web site to show up in a better spot on Google without spending any money. This allows you to draw people to your Web site without having to pay anything. Search Engine Marketing is the process of trying to get you Web site to show up in a better spot on Google by spending money. Paid advertising is a solid way to get your Web site viewed.

So why pay for an advertisement when you can do it for free? Some companies swear that you should never give Google any money to display your ads. They believe that doing it free will give them enough views to reach their goal. One thing to remember is that Google is a business so they encourage you to spend money so they make more money. So is it worth the extra money? I think it si beneficial to invest in both SEO and SEM because they both have their benefits. Spending a little bit of money is proven to make you a profit, but going the SEO route will work too.